PROF. DR. KHALIL AHMED IBUPOTO APPOINTED AS VICE CHANCELLOR, SHAH ABDUL LATIF UNIVERSITY, KHAIRPUR The Chief Minister Sindh on the recommendations of Search Committee appointed Prof. Dr. Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto as Vice Chancellor, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur for a period of four (04) years. It is pertinent to mention that a Notification No. SO(U)U&B/SALU/6-45/2020/580: Dated: - 01st October, 2020 issued by Mr. Muhammad Riazuddin, Secretary Universities & Boards Department, Govt. of Sindh.
It is recalled that Dr. Khalil Ibupoto possesses vast and rich academic, research and administrative experience about 38 years. Dr. Khalil possesses prestigious Post Doctorate degree. Dr. Khalil Ibupoto remained Members and Chairman of Pakistan Science Foundation, Islamabad in BPS-22, Director General Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Centre (PASTIC), Director Research ORIC Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Chairman Department of F.S and Dean Faculty of Agriculture Engineering, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam.
Dr. Ibupoto has organized number of workshops on his credit and inked national and international cooperation Memorandum of Understanding and take dynamic initiative for international collaboration with USDA, EU, TUBETAK, UNESCO, PNCU and IBSE. He organized international conferences on Agriculture Engineering at Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam. Moreover, Dr. Khalil started postgraduate courses developed and started on Masters of Engineering & PhD and taken indigenous initiative for the establishment of Office of Research Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC).
Dr. Khalil supervised 110 students projects undergraduate (Bachelor of Engineering), Postgraduate (Master of Engineering) and PhD. Dr. Khalil embarked number of research project especially on Onion Post Harvest Technology. Dr. Khalil Ibupoto extensively visited for the purpose of meetings and seminars to U.K, Iran, Azerbaijan, Thailand, Qatar, South Korea, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia and China
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