شاھ عبداللطيف يونيورسٽي خيرپور جي ترجمان پاران پريس رليز جاري ڪندي ڄاڻايو ويو آهي ته شاھ عبداللطيف يونيورسٽي خيرپور جي ايمپلائيز ويلفيئر ايسوسيئيشن پاران 6 ڊسمبر 2021 تي جاري ڪيل چارٽر آف ڊيمانڊ جي روشني ۾ يونيورسٽي جي وائيس چانسلر هڪ مذاڪراتي ڪاميٽي تشڪيل ڏني جنهن ۾ پروفيسر ڊاڪٽر تاج محمد لاشاري ڪنوينر، عشرت علي ميراڻي، شاهده امير چانڊيو، فرحان لطيف ميمڻ ۽ سڪندر علي جانوري ميمبر طور نامزد ڪيا ويا. ان سلسلي ۾ هڪ گڏجاڻي 7 ڊسمبر 2021 تي ملازمن جي اڳواڻن سان ڳالهين لاءِ رکي وئي پر ان سلسلي ۾ ايمپلائيز ويلفيئر ايسوسيئيشن جي جنرل سيڪريٽري ڄاڻايو ته سندس مصروفيت سبب گڏجاڻي کي 8 ڊسمبر تائين موخر ڪيو وڃي. اڄ 8 ڊسمبر تي سندن اسرار تي گڏجاڻي رکي وئي هئي پر ايمپلائيز ويلفيئر ايسوسيئيشن طرفان شرڪت نه ڪئي وئي. ترجمان واضح ڪيو آهي ته ايمپلائيز ويلفيئر ايسوسيئيشن جا عهديدار ڳالهين کان ٽال مٽول ڪري رهيا آهن. جيسيتائين چارٽر آف ڊيمانڊ جو تعلق آهي ته سندن ڪافي مسئلا حل ٿي چڪا آهن. فوتي ڪوٽا جا 18 آرڊرز جاري ٿي چڪا آهن جڏهن ته ليو انڪيشمنٽ 30 سيڪڙو ادا ٿي چڪي آهي. فنڊز جي دستيابي بعد رهيل رقم جاري ڪئي ويندي. جڏهن ته ٻيا لاڳاپيل مسئلا سينڊيڪيٽ جي ذريعي حل ڪيا ويندا. ترجمان ڄاڻايو آهي ته سندن هڙتال بي بنياد آهي اداري کي نقصان رساڻ جي سازش آهي. ترجمان ڄاڻايو آهي ته تازو بوگس امتحاني سلپن جي جاري ٿيڻ تي 7 ملازمن کي سينڊيڪيٽ پاران معطل ڪيو ويو آهي هي احتجاج صرف ان جو رد عمل آهي. جڏهن ته سينڊيڪيٽ پاران هڪ بااختيار ڪاميٽي تشڪيل ڏني وئي آهي جيڪا شفاف نموني سان هن مسئلي کي ڏسندي. 7 ملازمن جي معطلي تي سول سوسائٽي ۽ باشعور ماڻهن هن عمل کي شفافيت جو احسن قدم قرار ڏنو آهي. ترجمان واضح ڪيو آهي ته ملازمن جي معطلي ۾ وائيس چانسلر ۽ رجسٽرار جو ڪو به عمل دخل ناهي پر انڪوائري ڪاميٽي جي سفارشن تحت سينڊيڪيٽ کين معطل ڪيو آهي. ترجمان ڄاڻايو آهي ته سينڊيڪيٽ يونيورسٽي جو هڪ اهم ۽ اعلي فورم آهي جنهن جي فيصلن جي خلاف احتجاج جو ڪو به جواز ناهي. جڏهن ته تازو اه آفيسن جي آٽوميشن جو ٽينڊر ڪالھ کليو آهي هي به ان جو رد عمل آهي ته جيئن ڪنٽرولر امتحانات ۽ ٻين اهم شعبن جو خود ڪار سرشتو نه ٿي سگھي. ترجمان واضح ڪيو آهي ته ايسوسيئيشن جا عهديدار ڳالهين جي عمل کي سبوتاز ڪرڻ چاهين ٿا ۽ سندن ڪوشش آهي ته هن اداري کي بدنام ڪيو وڃي جڏهن ته موجوده انتظاميه شفافيت، ميرٽ ۽ غير جانبداري ۾ يقين رکي ٿي.

83rd Meeting of Syndicate Held
The 83rd Meeting of Syndicate of Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur was held at Syndicate Hall of the University. Prof. Dr. Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto Vice Chancellor presided over the meeting.
At the outset of the meeting, Prof. Dr. Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto cordially welcomed the Learned and Honorable Members of the Syndicate. He apprised them that since joining as Vice Chancellor of this University, the University was facing immense financial crisis and confronting administrative and academic problems. It is recalled that the salaries and pension were not paid to the staff. The salaries and pensions were paid in installments, even the staff observed strike on Eid Days at Press Club, Khairpur. He said at this juncture the salaries and pensions are being disbursed timely by taking assertive measures and with the transparent efforts. The funds received from Federal Government as well as Government of Sindh are properly managed. The system of admissions and examinations is made online.
Dr. Ibupoto said that Command and Control System has been established in order to beef up the security mechanism. The F.M Radio Station has been established. The tenders for automation of important sections have been floated in Press. The course of Social and Religious Tolerance in collaboration with Inter-University Consortium for the Promotion of Social Sciences (IUCPSS) has been introduced in the 8 Departments of Faculty of Social Sciences.
The Vice Chancellor commended the efforts of IUCPSS and USAID for the establishment of Students Societies Service Building. He remarked that one International Conference on Climate Change has been organized by the Department of Geography. Metrological Observatory has been established. Dr. Ibupoto briefed that the various committees for better governance and judicious decisions have been constituted.
The Vice Chancellor said that halted programs of M.S/M. Phil and Ph. D of 16 Disciplines have been restored. These program was in halt status by Higher Education Commission, Islamabad.
The Members of Syndicate applauded the tangible efforts taken by the Vice Chancellor for the promotion of transparency, research and development at Campus.
During the meeting, various important decisions were made.
The minutes of the 82nd Meeting of Syndicate were approved. The Annual Budget for the financial year 2021-22 of Rs. 2167.656 Million with the deficit of Rs. 44.117 Million was approved. The Budget was presented by the Director Finance Mr. Nisar Ahmed Noonari. The Annual Report 2018-19 and 2019-20 was also approved to be placed in the Senate. The approval for the appointment of various Directors and Chairmen was also accorded. Prof. Dr. Noor Ahmed Shaikh appointed as Director Institute of Computer Science, Dr. Mujeeb ur Rehman appointed as Department of Media & Communication Studies, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saleem Rahpoto appointed as Chairman Department of Economics, Prof. Dr. Amir Ahmed Khuhro appointed as Director Institute of I. R, Prof. Dr. A. D Jumani appointed as Chairman Department of Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Mushtaque Jakhrani appointed as Director Institute of Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Syed Zulfuqar Ali Shah appointed as Director Institute of English Language & Literature, Dr. Mumtaz Saand appointed as Chairman Department of Botany and Prof. Dr. Pir Bux Ghumro appointed as Director Institute of Microbiology.
The Syndicate approved the minutes of last meeting of Finance & Planning Committee. The seniority list of the officers from BPS-16 to BPS-20 was also approved in the light of the recommendations of Seniority Committee. The Syndicate recommended to appoint contractual lecturers. The minimum eligibility criteria and mechanism for appointment of lecturers will be sought from the well reputed Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the same will be placed in the ensuing meeting of the Syndicate for approval.
The Syndicate took serious notice and high concern over the issuance of bogus admit slips to the students of various colleges in the Annual Examinations 2020 by University Officials Mr. Qalandar Bux Bozdar, Mr. Zubair Junejo, Mr. Aarab Phulpoto, Mr. Tufail Mangi, Mr. Abdul Basit Khilji and Mr. Sardar Rind and the Syndicate further recommended to dealt the issue as per E&D Rules and high power Inquiry Committee was constituted in order to probe the matter. Meanwhile, on the recommendations of Inquiry Committee, the Syndicate decided to suspend these officials.
Prof. Dr. A. Q Mughal, Prof. Dr. Fateh Muhammad Mari, Vice Chancellor Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Prof. Dr. Syed Madad Ali Shah, Vice Chancellor Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University of Technology & Skills Development, Khairpur, Ms. Sadiqa Salauddin from Karachi, Prof. Dr. Maqsood Zia Shah, Prof. Dr. Chandan Lal Rohra, Prof. Dr. Ghulam Mustafa Mashori, Prof. Dr. Iram Rani, Dr. Mumtaz Saand, Mr. Ishrat Ali Mirani, Mr. Sadaqat Ali Ruk, Mr. Farhan Latif Memon, Molvi Abdul Haque Kousar Qureshi, Mr. Mureed Hussain Ibupoto Registrar and Mr. Saif ur Rehman Kalhoro, Deputy Register Meetings attended the meeting.
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