One-Day Seminar on Tax Education, Tax Filling and Online Company Registration was held at Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur organized by the Department of Public Administration in collaboration with Inter-University Consortium for the Promotion of Social Sciences (IUCPSS) and KHM Group. Prof. Dr. Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto, Vice Chancellor presided over the seminar. The students of Department of Public Administration, Institute of Business Administration and Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto School of Law attended the seminar.
Speaking on this occasion, Prof. Dr. Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto said trainings are very important along with education, so the youth can play a key role in the development of the society. He said Paying taxes is the responsibility of every citizen. He said that it is very important for the students who are pursuing their education in Law, Business Administration and Public Administration to be aware of the tax procedures in different fields and the rules and regulations of the business. The Vice Chancellor said that today's seminar will be valuable for them. Dr. Ibupoto said that we have established national and international academic and research linkages for betterment of education and research, and recently we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on education and research with the Karabuk University, Turkey, now our students can pursue free higher education in Turkey.
Mr. Muhammad Murtaza Noor, National Coordinator, IUCPSS said our youth is very talented, trainings are very important for a better future of youth. Our aim is to provide training opportunities in higher education institutions for students in urban as well as rural areas.
Prof. Dr. Mumtaz Junejo, Dean Faculty of Management Sciences said taxpaying information is essential in every field of life. He emphasized on education as well as experience and trainings.
Earlier, Prof. Dr. Muneer Shah, Chairman, Department of Public Administration welcomed the guests and participants in the seminar and said that trainings play pivotal role in the capacity building of students.
Mr. Ali Raza Lashari, Coordinator, IUCPSS Northern Sindh conducted the proceedings of the Seminar.
At the end, the shields were distributed among the guests. Mr. Sajid Mirani, Mr. Mureed Hussain Ibupoto Registrar, Mr. Zohaib Memon, Secretary to Vice Chancellor, teachers and students attended the seminar.